Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Today, students will be writing an essay about The Revolutionary War.  The essay will be: Using what you know about technology, choose one vehicle, weapon or innovation and give 3 ways it would have changed The Revolutionary War.  The essay should include an introduction, conclusion, and 3 reasons with description on how it would change.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

This week, students will be working on a timeline.  They have the rubric with the expectations for the project, which is due on Monday, February 24th.  Below is the rubric incase you would like to see it.

American History Timeline
Important events that led to The Revolutionary War
1 Put the whole name and date of the battle, act, or event.
2 A minimum 1 complete sentence description of the battle, act or event.
3 Be creative with the timeline so it stands out.
4 Must have 15 different acts or events; no more than 2 from one year
5 Create a scale that will represent the length in years (i.e. 1 inch equals 10 years)
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Dates/Placement on the Line An accurate, complete date has been included for each event and placed correctly on the line. An accurate, complete date has been included for almost every event and/or most of the dates are correctly placed on the line (99%-75%). An accurate, complete date has been included for almost every event and/or most of the dates are correctly placed on the line (Between 75%-50%). Dates are inaccurate and/or missing for several events and/or most of the dates are correctly placed on the line (50% or less).
Content/Facts Facts were accurate for all events reported on the timeline. Facts were accurate for almost all events reported on the timeline. Facts were accurate for most (~75%) of the events reported on the timeline. Facts were often inaccurate for events reported on the timeline.
Spelling and Capitalization Spelling and capitalization is correct throughout. Spelling and capitalization is mostly correct . Spelling and capitalization are somewhat correct. There were *many* spelling and capitalization errors.
Readability The overall appearance of the timeline is pleasing and easy to read. The overall appearance of the timeline is somewhat pleasing and easy to read. The timeline is relatively readable. The timeline is difficult to read.
Time Use Classroom time was used to work on the project. Conversations were not disruptive and focused on the work. Classroom time was used to work on the project the majority of the time. Conversations were not disruptive and focused on the work. Classroom time was used to work on the project the majority of the time, but conversations often were disruptive or did not focus on the work. Student did not use classroom time to work on the project and/or was highly disruptive.
Do not lose this rubric or it will cost you 3 points on the final grade.  It must be turned in with your timeline-stapled to the back.
Dates/Placement on the Line 8
Content/Facts   8
Spelling and Capitalization 4
Readability   4
Time Use   4
Scale    2
Heading on the back   1
Loss of points    
Total    31

Monday, February 10, 2014

Here is the list of terms on the test Wednesday:
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
Coercive Act/Intolerable Acts
Comm. of Correspondence
Currency Act
Daughters of Liberty
Declaratory Act
First Continental Congress
French and Indian War
Iron Act
King Phillip's War
Molasses Act
Navigation Acts
Proclamation of 1763
Quartering Act
Quebec Act  
Restraining Act
Sons of Liberty
Stamp Act
Sugar Act
Tea Act
Townshend Act
Treaty of Paris 1763
Woolen Act

Friday, February 7, 2014

Wednesday, February 12 will be the Prerevolutionary Quiz.  All of the questions will be from the notes.  Below is a link to flash cards to help you study:

Monday, February 3, 2014

Today, students will finish uploading their movie to the blog.  They will also be taking an event that caused  The American Civil War, give a summary to the class using the textbook for the information.

Also, a reminder that HS Preview Night is tonight from 6-8:30.