Monday, December 9, 2013

Tomorrow will be The Middle Colonies Test, which will consist of 16 short answer questions.  Below are the study guides to use.

1 What country in Europe settled in all of the Middle Colonies?
2 What country had the first settlers in the Middle Colonies-the Dutch?
3 What were some crops grown in the Middle Colonies?
Grains wheat corn
4 Name 2 ways students were educated in the Middle Colonies?
Private Academy, Religious school, private tutor, apprentice
5 Who was the person who owned most of New York, New Jersey and Delaware?
James-Duke of York
6 What are 2 of the jobs people had in the Middle Colonies? 
Iron maker tailor silversmith glassblower lumberjack, mason/bricklayer farmer
7 What country did England defeat to get control of the Middle Colonies?
8 Beside religious freedom, why were most Middle Colonies started?
9 Who founded Pennsylvania?
William Penn
10 Why was land given to … for Pennsylvania?
Pay-off a debt
11 What state/colony was a royal colony?
New Jersey
12 What state/colony was a proprietary colony?
New York, Penn, Delaware
13 What 2 things were exported from the colonies?
Meat, crops
14 Beside $, why was Delaware started?
15 Why did farmers want to live in Pennsylvania?
Great farm land
16 What was the problem with the free land in New Jersey?
Had to pay a yearly fee
17 What colony did John Berkeley and George Carteret rule?
New Jersey
18 What is one law in New Jersey that is still today?
guaranteeing colonists' property rights, laws of inheritance, religious freedom 
19 What 2 European Countries had land in North America before England came over?
Dutch (Netherlands) and Swedish (Sweden)
20 Why were the New England Colonies started?
Religious freedom
21 Name the 4 New England Colonies.
New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut
22 Using the vocab words, name the 3 ways colonies could be governed/ruled.
Royal, Charter, Proprietary
23 What were the first laws of America called?
Mayflower Compact
24 What was the first Constitution of America? 
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
25 William Penn wrote the framework for the first what?

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